Saturday, May 23, 2009


Our week has been pretty low key. It has been filled with the regular work and daycare. Michael did decide one night that he wanted to be a nudist. After he went to sleep, I went to check on him and he was laying on his knees and stomach totally naked. I now have blackmail pictures for when he is a teenager! It was very cute, but I do not think I will post those photos.

I have been working on Michael's lifebook a lot in the past two weeks. It is a big project. What is a lifebook? It is the story of an Michael's life that contains pictures and text to tell him about his life before adoption, where he came from, and how we became a family. It is written to he age level. It will also be his very own. He can keep it to himself or share it with whomever he would like. It will be his decision as to who he shares his story with.

Before I go, there is one thing I will share about the lifebook. Here is a picture of the cover:

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