Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chinese New Year Pics

Michael is doing well. He says more words every day. We do not have a lot new to report. Since the holidays, we have gotten back into our daily routine of work and daycare. We have speech therapy on Mondays. On the weekends, we run our errands and just spend time together. We also bought a membership the the Children’s Museum. Michael really likes going there to play.

There is one question that we are continually asked about Michael. It is, “Is he always this happy?” The answer is always, “Yes.” He is a very happy boy. He loves to laugh, play, dance, etc. One of the few times that I can think of that he is not happy is when he thinks we are not getting his food ready fast enough for him. Have you figured out by now that this boy loves to eat???

Over the past few weeks, we have taken Michael and Joseph to two Chinese New Year celebrations. The first one was at the Children’s Museum on January 31. The second one was on February 7th at Godwin HS. At the second one, they had a parade. Joseph was asked to carry a balloon in the parade.

Below are pictures from the past couple of weeks:

Friday, February 13, 2009

First time ever I saw your face

A year ago today was the first time we saw a picture of Michael. We reviewed his file and files for a few other children on our agency's Children of Promise list. We made the request to be matched with either of a few different children. We would not know until February 21, 2007 that we were matched with Dang Anwei, our son Michael. Here are pictures from his referral and pictures taken in the last couple of weeks.

Also, I will be updating the blog with updates and pictures from our Chinese New Year celebrations as soon as possible.