Saturday, August 9, 2008

Doctors, doctors, and more doctors

We have been very busy since I last updated the blog. We had our home visit with our social worker. We went to the church softball tournament. Then, there have been the appointments with doctors. Then, we took Michael to the petting zoo and wildlife exhibit at Maymont.

We met with the reconstructive surgery team at VCU who will be working with Michael on Monday. He was seen by an audiologist, an ENT, a speech therapist, a psychologist, the plastic surgeon, orthodontists, and a pediatric dentist. Fortunately, it was all in one clinic. After they all assessed him and the other children at the clinic, they came together and discussed each case. We were able to wait until after they met and discuss Michael's plan of care with the clinic coordinator and the surgeon.

The team was very impressed with how well Michael had done in just a few short weeks. He has bonded to us very well. Also, they said he was the healthiest child that they had ever seen from China with his degree of cleft palate. They usually wait 6 months to do the surgery. However, since he is doing so well, it should be a lot sooner.

Michael has fluid in his ears, which is normal for children with a cleft palate. During the surgery, they will also put tubes in his ears. However, we have a lot of appointments to go to before he will be scheduled for surgery. Before surgery can be scheduled, he needs to have a genetic evaluation, see the pediatric dentist, go to the ENT, and be seen by the international adoption pediatrician.

We were able to have his genetics evaluation on Friday. They believe that his cleft is not genetic and is just a birth defect from poor prenatal care. This is very good news.

We have 3 appointments with doctors this week. Then, we hope to find out when surgery can be scheduled.

Also, Bill went back to work 1/2 days this week. Michael did wonderfully. Hopefully, he will do just as well this week when Bill goes back to full days.

Michael enjoys playing with his toys, pots, spoons, sidewalk chalk, etc. He has decided that he really likes to Go! He now waves bye bye and pulls us to the door even when we are not going anywhere and gets a little upset when we say no. Today, he brought me his hat and sunglasses at separate times. He thought that this would change my mind.

We have figured out that Michael never stepped foot in the grass until we brought him home. He would rather be on the sidewalk than in the grass if possible. He just does not care for that green stuff.

Below are pictures from the past week and a half. The pictures were taken by Bill, our friend Gina, and my mom.


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is adjusting just great. It is so good to see his smile, so precious. Love the baseball pics and that is too funny how Chloe is so calm with him. I just love it! Keep those pictures coming, they just brighten any day.

The Landes Family said...

What a happy little boy. Looks like he is bonding great. I love all of the pictures.

Don and Be said...

Your outlook for Michael sounds so good - praise God. That bonding item is a big issue so we're happy for you that all is going well in that category. Blessings to your family.
What an incredible journey we all went through less than a month ago. it's hard to believe that we're all back and beginning new lives with our families. it was wonderful to share the journey with you.