Today, we stayed around the hotel and relaxed. This morning after a late breakfast, we took a walk to the park. While we were there, we found Starbuck's. Bill had a cup of coffee and I tried the Peach Pomegranate Tea. We left Starbuck's and headed back to the hotel. We had to be in our room around noon to see if there were any problems with Michael's visa application. If there were problems or questions, we would have a message on the phone in our room. We put Michael down for a nap and stayed in the room until around 2 p.m. We did not get a message, so the paperwork must be fine. YAY!
After Michael's nap, we headed to the pool. He has so much fun in the baby pool. He "swims" from Mama to Baba and just giggles. However, he lets you know when he is ready to go. He starts to climb out of the pool. After finishing our time in the pool, we went back to the room and changed. We had dinner in our hotel. Then, we headed out for a little more shopping and dessert. There is a little shop right off the hotel that has the best cakes. They have small pieces for just under $3. They are delicious.
We brought the cakes back up to the room. We put Michael to bed and started packing.
Tomorrow is a full day. We have pictures at 10 a.m. and go to the consulate in the afternoon to take an oath for Michael's visa. Our bags have to be packed by 9 p.m. We leave the hotel Wednesday at 5 a.m. and head home. We do not look forward to the trip home (over 24 hours on planes and in airports), but cannot wait to get there.
This may be our last post from China. I am not sure how much time we will have tomorrow. We will make sure to let everyone know that we arrived home safely.
The pictures below are of Michael and from around our hotel. One is of a couple having wedding picture made. We have seen many couples getting their pictures made here.
Yep, we are going to have to lock him up until he is 40!
Taking a break at Starbuck's
Hanging out after our pool time.
Things seem to be moving right along! Enjoy your last bit of time in much as we wanted to come home, leaving was bittersweet.
Still praying for you!
Have a safe trip home. He will love how the flight attendants tend to him. They care so much for the new little ones. Will be watching for home updates. To fight off jet lag, drink only water while in flight.
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