We are officially losing track of our days. We have to look at our watches every now and then to remember what day it is. However, it is now Sunday evening in Guangzhou, and we have had a full couple of days.
Yesterday (Saturday) was a long day for us. Michael woke up around 7 a.m. We got ready and went to breakfast. It was the best breakfast we have had since we have been here. They actually had foods we were used to.... no more noodles and rice for breakfast for us! YAY!! After breakfast, we met our guide Shiyan and the other 16 families in our group. We all headed for the clinic to have the kids medical check ups. Let me tell you. That was fun! Can you hear the sarcasm in that statement. Each kid had to go to three stations. Our first one was the ENT. Michael does not like anyone messing with his ears or mouth. Our second one was height, weight, and temperature. Michael is about 32" tall and weighs about 30 pounds. Last, we went to where they checked his breathing, heart sounds, tummy, etc. He checked out fine and is very healthy.
After the medical exam, we headed back to the hotel. At 1 p.m., I went to do paperwork for Michael's visa while Bill and Michael stayed in the room. I expected Michael to take a nap while I was gone, but that didn't happen. Actually, he did not take a nap all day long. We tried to make him tired. We took him to the play room two times. He went for his first swim in the pool. Nothing worked. At 10 p.m., we finally put him in the crib and turned out all the lights. He fell asleep within 10 minutes. We were not far behind.
Today was a free day. Bill and Michael stayed at the hotel. A group of us hired a shopping guide for the day. She was wonderful. We shopped until we dropped. She was able to get us wonderful deals. I bought jade, pearls, clothes, toys, embroidery, chess sets, mahjong sets, etc. There are still a few more things that I want to buy here, but I think most of my shopping is done.
Tomorrow is another free day. I am not sure what we will do yet. Bill has a bad cold. Hopefully, he will feel better in the morning.
Here are a few select pictures from the past couple of days. I just downloaded about 1,000. Therefore, it is really hard to pick just a few out. Also, there are a few that our friend Gayle took for us, too. Thanks Gayle!
Ready for my first airplane ride.
Waiting room for the medical exams.
More of the waiting room and down the hall.
You want me to do what?
I really do not like this.
I don't care for this either.
Are we done yet?
Finally! All done!
Statue in the Park
In the play room
Am I cute or what?
Watching the fishies
Waterfall in the White Swan
Boy, do I like the playroom!
First trip to the pool
Trying to figure this out
I do like this!
Wow, the last picture is definitely my favorite! You can see he is so at ease with you two. I just can't wait to meet him. Everyday I am waiting in anticipation to see your update on the blog. Thanks you two (and your mom) for keeping everyone updated, it is great to tag along on your journey. You are in my prayers daily!
It sounds like you are all adjusting so well. I'm so glad. Michael is such a cutie! It won't be long now until you can get your boy home!
Still praying for your family!
I am so glad he is bonding to both of you. Miss Talicee loved the pool too. Looks like he is a very happy and healthy little boy. I love his bald head.
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